Router Security Checklist
A checklist to ensure you have the most secure router possible.
- Buy a business class router
- Setup secure router administration
- Change the Default Password! It is typically username/password: admin/admin, and accessed through a Standard IP Address. If a bad actor gets access to your router, they could login and change whatever.
- Limit Access to Ethernet Only If your router supports it, having to plugin an ethernet cable to edit router configs is a huge security boost. This also includes any Smartphone Apps. Seriously, you should have to physically plug in an ethernet cable to edit access your router administration.
- Require HTTPS The router administration console is accessed over HTTP/S. Most routers have the option of forcing HTTPS. Take advantage.
- Check for Firmware Updates Every 3 Months If the router manufacturer offers a security/patch email list, sign up.
- Ensure router does not have any unpatched vulnerabilities If it does, buy another router.
- Disable insecure services
- Setup secure WiFi configuration
- Change the Default Password! Make it a strong password. Most routers allow unlimited password tries.
A weak password + a determined bad actor = guaranteed access to your router
. Update the strong password to another strong password every 3 months. - Use the Most Secure Password Encryption Available According to the following order from most secure to least:
- WPA2
- No Encryption (Obviously, no)
- Change the Default Password! Make it a strong password. Most routers allow unlimited password tries.
- Setup limited access
- Enable any built-in firewall
- Limit Port Access
- Enable Mac Address Filtering